Model Question Paper -2009
Database Management Systems (DBMS) (2 Credits)
Question Number 1 to 20 -1 mark Question.
Question Number 21 to 31-2 Marks Question.
Question Number 32 to 38 - 4 Marks Question.
Statement and Options
1 A __________ is complex set of software programs that
controls the organization, storage & retrieval of data in a
a. Repository
c. Software
d. Program
2 A major drawback of the static hashing is that address space
is ________.
a. dynamic
b. fixed
c. variable
d .collide
3 Third normal form is based on the concept of
a. functional dependency
b. full functional dependency
c. semi functional dependency
d. transitive dependency
In _______________ Data can be accessed by users at other
remote sites through the distributed database m anagement
system software.
a. Transparency
b. Data sharing
c. Easier expansion
d. Data tracing
5 ________________ is known as UNDO/REDO algorithm.
a. Immediate update
b. deferred update
c. the redo logs
d. rolled back
6 These are Design Driven
a. Database Management Systems
b. Management Information Systems
c. Centralized systems
d. File systems
7 Whenever a record is larger than a block, we must use a
_____________ Organization.
a. Spanned
b. unspanned
c. sequential
d. random access.
8 ______________ is one of the major factor
in database
a. Integrity
b. Security
c. Consistency
d. Concurrency
9 Only retrieving of data is called
a. retrieve transaction
b. write transaction
c. read only transaction.
d. read & write transaction
10 If many of the attributes do not take any values, we insert
_____________ values.
a. Data
c. attribute
d. Schema
11 The ________________ differs from the tuple calculas
in the type
of variables used in formulas.
a. Relational calculas
b. Relational algebra
c. Domain calculas
d. Tuple calculas
12 _____________ is a pointer to s disk block
a. second field
b. first field
c. clustering index
d. secondary index
13 For each attribute there is a set of permitted values
called the ___________ of that attribute
a. domain
b. value
c. atomic value
d. schema
14 The ______________ are used to alter the database tables.
a. DML statement
d. DCL statement
c. DDL statement
d. TCL statement
15 ____________ are used for data modification operations
a. A Lock
b. Exclusive locks
c. binary lock
d. Shared locks
16 A transaction is a _________ unit of database processing
that includes one or more database access operations
a. physical
b. diagrammatic
c. logical
d. flow
17 ___________________ is a nonprocedural language.
a. Relational calculas
b. Relational algebra
c. Domain calculas
d. Tuple calculas
18 Each attribute is assocaited with a set of values called
____________ of that attribute.
a. value
b. domain
c. tuple
d. data
19 SQL stands for _______________________
a. Set of Query languages
b. Structured Query Language
c. Sequential Query Language
d. Sophisticated Queuing Line
20 ______ is needed in case the system fails after a transaction
a. LOG
b. Commit
21 The description of the data base means defining the names,
data type, size of a column in a table and database
[Actual data in the table] itself. This is called
a. Entity
b. Attribute
c. Instance
d. Schema
22 In traditional file processing, data definition is a part of the
_____________ while in Modern database management
systems it is part of the __________
a. Hardware & Software
b. Application program & DBMS
c. Application programs & System programs
d. Files & Database
23 The main disadvantage of the index-sequential file organization is
a. The deleted entry may appear in a non-leaf node.
b. Application program & DBMS
c. Performance degrades as the file grows.
d. The deleted entry always appears in a leaf.
24 when one transaction updates a database item and then the transaction fails for som e
reason. This problem is called _____________
a. The lost update problem
b. Dirty read problem
c. Incorrect summary problem
d. Inconsistency problem
25 In order to do the following operations like creating and deleting a table, Insert,
modify and delete rows, search several rows by specifying information and modify
security information, this is used as the command.
a. DDL
b. DML
c. DCL
d. SQL query
26 A relation schema R is in first normal form if
a. no prime attribute is transitively dependent on the primary key.
b. there is a set of attributes 'Z' Le x->, z->y is transitive.
c.every non-prime attribute A in R is fully functionally dependent on the Primary
Key of R.
d. every attribute of R takes only single atomic values.
27 Relations of degree one are ___________ & degree two are _______________
a. Unary & binary
b. primary & secondary
c. single valued attribute & double valued attribute
d. identity & bidirectional
28 Conditions of the form x*y where * is any of the following
b. =, !=, <, >, >=
d. All the above
The five domains are sets of values representing, respectively, part numbers, part
names, part weights, part colors, and locations in which parts are stores. This
relation is called ________________
a. 5th degree level
b. cardinality of PART 5
c. PART of degree 5
d. 5 attributes
30 In the fixed length records
d. A field guaranteed to have a unique value in each record
b. all records in a file are of the same record type.
c. records of optional fields
d. records having repeating fields.
31 Independent software vendors develop and market the tools like DB design,
perfromance, monitoring and graphical interacts. They are called
a. tool providers
b. Application programmers
c. tool developers
d. Database designers
32 Lock_item (D):
B: if LOCK(X)=0 ("item is unlocked")
Then LOCK(X)¬1 ("lock the item")
else begin
wait (until lock(X)=0 and
the lock manager wakes up the transaction);
goto B
LOCK(X)¬0; ('unlock the item")
Using above algorithm answer the following questions
A. What happens when LOCK(X) = 0?
a. The transaction is forced to wait.
b. It is set to 1, and the transaction is allowed to access item X
c. Locks the item
d. X cannot be accessed by a database operation that requests the item.
33 Use the above data to solve the following questions
A. What happens when the system comes back up?
a. The operation read (A) is perform ed
b. The operation read
c. Transaction T1 transfers
d. Incomplete transaction
B. After the record
executed , the value of accounts A and B are
a. Rs. 50 & Rs. 950
b. Rs. 950 & Rs. 2050
c. Rs. 950 & Rs. 700
d. Rs. 100 & Rs. 600
34 Match the Following
1. Load a. Reorganize a database file into a
different file organization
2. Backup b. Mechanism for data storage &
3. File reorganization c. Loads data from data file Is not
4. Performance monitoring d. Observe usage by providing statistics
to the DBA.
e. Creates a backup copy of the
a. 1e, 2c, 3d, 4a
b. 1c, 2e, 3a, 4d
c. 1d, 2b, 3c, 4e
d. 1a, 2e, 3c, 4b
35 A. No PK value can be NULL, because PK value is used to identify individual tuple ina
relation This is stated by ______________
a. foreign key
b. referential integrity
c. Entity constraints
d. domain constraints
B. If we denote cardinality of a domain D by | D |, and assume
that all domains are finite, the total number of tuples in
the cartesian product is
a. | dom (A1) | + | dom(A2) | +………… + | dom ( An) |
b. | dom (A1) | * | dom(A2) | * ………… * | dom ( An) |
c. | dom (A1) | * | dom(A2) | * ………… * | dom ( An
-1) |
d. | dom (An) | - | dom(An-1) | -
- | dom ( A1) |
36 Match the following
1. BLOB a. Variable length character
2. BFILE b. Loads host OS file into SQL BUFFER
3. VARCHAR2(size) c. Pointer to binary OS file
4. GER
e. Binary large object
a. 1c, 2e, 3a, 4d
b. 1d, 2c, 3a, 4c
c. 1e, 2c, 3a, 4b
d. 1b, 2d, 3c, 4e
Domain variable D, E, F…..Each domain variable is
37 1.
constrained to range over some specified domain.
2. X * Y, here x and y are domain variables. * is one of the
comparison operators in the set {=,! =, <,>, <=,>=} and
xi and xj are domain variables.
Consider R ( x1, x2….xi) where R is the name of a relation.
This states that a list of values of
must be a tuple in the relation R, where xi is the value at the
Attribute value of the tuple.
These are the elements to be used to construct the expressions
of __________________.
a. Relational calculas
b. relational algebra
c. domain relational calculas
d. Well formed Formulas
38 Mapping cardinalities should be one of the following
a. One-to-two or Two-to-Many or Many-to-One or Many-to-Many
b. One-to-One or One-to-Many or (N-1)-to-One or N-to-(N-1)
c. One-to-One or One-to-Many or Many-to-One or Many-to-Many
d. none of the above