                        Unit 01 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions
Question 1

 What is the value of a[3]? int a[]={5,4,3,2,1}

 a. 2  The array index starts from 0 , so a[3] means 4th element

b. 3

c. 4

d. 1
Question 2

What is the size of the array? float a[10]

 a. 10

b. 20

c. 30

d. 40 The array has 10 elements and each element occupies 4 bytes
Question 3

 A structure brings together a group of

 a. items of the same data type

b. related data items and variables   The structure is the collection of data items

c. integers with user defined names

d. floating points with user defined names

Question 4

IF an integer occupies 4 bytes and character occupies 1 byte of memory , each element of following structure would occupy how many byte?

 struct name
  int age;
 char name[30];
 a. 30
b. 34

1. a

2. b  The total size of the structure is the sum of the size of all elements ( 4 Bytes *1 integer type) and ( 30 *1 Character type) = 34
3. c

4. d
Question 5

 Pointer holds :

 a. Value of variable

b. Address of variable Pointer always holds the address

c. Value and address of variable

d. Always null
Question 6

A pointer can hold

 a. Two addresses at a time

b. Single address at a time Pointer always can hold one address at a time

c. Number of addresses at a time

d. No address
               Unit 01 - 2 Mark Quiz Questions
 Question 1

 Array index can be started from 1?

 a. Yes

b. No The array always started from 0 , no alteration is possible
Question 2

 Array is :

 a. Primary data type

b. Homogeneous data type Each array contains same types of data so homogeneous

c. Pointer data type

d. Heterogeneous data type
Question 3

 To accept 100 different values into the array we require:

 a. Loop To carry out same task repeatedly we use Loops

b. If condition

c. Function

d. Structure
Question 4

To identify a member element of a structure we use :

 a. dot (.) operator . is the membership operator of any structure variable

b. plus(+) operator

c. * operator

d. & operator
Question 5

We can create array of structure:

 a. Yes Number structure may form an array

b. No
                      Unit 01 - 4 Mark Quiz Questions
 Which of the following is the correct way of declaring an array of integer pointers?

 a. int *arr[10]; The array pointer means the subscripted pointer variable can hold numbers of same types of variable addresses

b. int arr[10];

c. *int arr[10];

d. int *arr;
                            Unit 02
The data structure has the following components

Choose one answer. a. Algorithm, storage structure and function of implementation Three element that form a data structure are: Algorithm, Storage Structure , Function

b. Algorithm, data type and function of implementation

c. Function, storage structure and program

d. Algorithm, data structure and program
Question 2

 In linked list, the successive element

 a. Must occupy contiguous locations in memory

b. Need not occupy contiguous space in memory Link list always occupies random memory allocation

c. Must not occupy contiguous locations in any situation

d. None of the above
Question 3

 Link pointer variable in linked list contain address of the

 a. Following node in the list Link list connect together with address

b. Current node in the list

c. First node in the list

d. None of the above
Question 4

 Which of the following liner list structure allow both insertion and deletion at only one end?

 a. Queue

b. Stack Stack is onside open to insert and delete like a bottle

c. Circular queue

d. None of the above
 Pick out invalid statement from following : Queues can be used for

 a. The line printer Queue is like a pipe with one entrance for ENTRY and other end for EXIT

b. Access to disk storage

c. Function call

d. Main Memory Access
Question 1

 When PUSH operation is done then

 a. TOP=TOP+1 The pointer TOP is incremented by one , Initially TOP

b. -1

c. TOP= TOP-1

d. TOP=-1

e. TOP=0
Question 2

When POP operation is done then
a. TOP=TOP+1

b. TOP= TOP-1 The pointer TOP is decremented by

c. TOP=-1

d. TOP=0
Question 3

In Stack we insert data from:

 a. Front End

b. Rear End

c. Both End

d. Top End Stack has only one end called Top End, No Front ,No Rear

Question 4

 The Stack overflow occurs when

a. When stack contains maximum elements The stack when unable to add more elements

b. When stack contains minimum elements

c. When stack contains half of the maximum elements

d. When stack is empty
Question 5

If the in-order pre-order traversal of a binary tree are D,B,F,E,G,H,A,C and A,B,D,E,F,G,H,C respectively then post order will be:

 a. D,F,G,A,B,C,H,E

b. F,H,D,G,E,B,C,A

c. D,F,H,G,E,B,C,A For Post order the algorithm is LEFT

d. C,G,H,F,E,D,B,A
Question 6

Stack is useful for implementing breadth first search

 a. True

b. False We cannot use stack for breath first search
Question 1

We can change the insertion position of the Stack

 a. Yes

b. No The stack cannot be reversed

Question 2

In the Sack STACK_SIZE is :

 a. Fixed The size of the stack is fixed at the time of creation, it cannot be changed at runtime

b. Variable
Question 3

Stack maintains the algorithm

 a. LIFO



Question 4

 The stack is easy to maintain by

 a. Array No insertion and deletion is made in between the stack, only from one end-Array is easy

b. Link List

c. Structure

d. Union
Question 5

 The Polish Notation is

. a. Post order

b. Pre order The pre order is called polish Notation.

c. In order

d. None of these
Question 6

 Infix to post fix conversion we need :

 a. Stack A stack is required to hold the operators

b. Queue

c. Structure

d. Union
 A stack cannot be used to

 a. evaluate an arithmetic expression in postfix form

b. implement recursion

c. convert infix form to postfix from of an expression

d. allocate resources by operating system For random memory allocation we cannot use stack
Question 2

 Application of Stack is :

a. Function Call                         For function call stack operation is needed

b. Storage data in memory

c. Dynamic memory allocation

d. Structure definition
Question 3

Requirement of Polish Notation

 a. Because the notation does not have any priority The notation does not have any priority so it is used in expression evaluation

b. Because the notation have priority
Question 1

Josephus Problem is the application of

 a. Ordinary Queue

b. Circular Queue The continuous rotation is done in that problem so it needs Circular Queue

c. Double Ended Queue

d. Priority Queue
Question 2

 The priority queue requires FRONT and REAR:

a. One only

b. Multiple                 To maintain different priority , Queue required number of FRONT and REAR pointers

c. None

d. Two only
Question 3

 Which of the following data structure may give overflow error, even though the current number of elements in it is less than its size?

 a. stack

b. circular queue

c. simple queue                             The queue has two pointer front and rear for insert and delete elements

d. none of the above
Question 4

 The basic problem of space utilization has been removed by

 a. Stack

b. Circular Queue The circular queue circulate the pointer so it utilise the queue spaces

c. Double Ended Queue

d. Queue Size
Question 5

 What algorithm is used in Queue?

 a. FILO


c. FIFO         The queue has Front and Rear end for Delete and Insert elements

Question 6

From which end of Queue elements are deleted?

 a. Rear

b. Front                   The delete elements from Front end only.

c. Middle Position

d. Any position of the queue
Question 1

 The access of Queue elements is

 a. Sequential                 The elements of the Queue is one after another , so its access is sequential

b. Random

c. Direct

d. Indexed
Question 2

Front and Rear can be interchangeable in

 a. Dqueue                   The double ended queue can change its position front by rear and vice versa

b. Priority Queue

c. Circular Queue

d. Ordinary Queue
Question 3

 What is the difference between Stack & Queue?

a. Storage Structure

b. Memory Allocation

c. Algorithm                            The main algorithm differs between Stack and Queue

d. All of the Above
Question 4

Queue can be represented by

a. Array

b. Link List

c. Tree

d. Only a) and b)      We can represent Queue by array and link list also

Question 5

The Queue Size can be:

 a. Dynamically changed

b. Static, cannot he changed                The size of the queue is fixed when created
Question 6

 POP from queue needs checking

a. Queue Full Condition

b. Queue Empty Condition       Before POP operation it must be checked that item is available or not

c. Stack Full Condition

d. Stack Empty Condition
Question 1

One Application of Priority Queue is

 a. CPU scheduling                       CPU scheduling sometimes uses priority based scheduling

b. Ready Queue for printing

c. Data Access from RAM

d. Reading data through Scanner
Question 2

 Queue is :

 a. Linear Data Structure                   Queue is continuous sequential so it is linear data structure

b. Non Linear Data Structure
Question 3

 Queue is easy to implement by

a. Array                       Queue operation cannot use random access of elements so it is easy by array

b. Link List

c. Structure

d. Union
Question 1

In Circular Link List

 a. Head node contains the address of tail node

b. Tail node contains the address of the head    To make the list circular, tail node contains the address of head

c. Head node contains the address of the middle node

d. Tail node contains the address of the middle node
Question 2

 In Doubly Linked List each node contains

a. No address part

b. One address part

c. Two address part                  The double linked list node holds the address of previous and next node, so two address part

d. Three address part
Question 3

 Linked List is

 a. Linear Data Structure     The linked list contains sequential of nodes so it is linear structure

b. Non Linear Data Structure
Question 4

 To create linked list created by

 a. Structure                By using structure we can connect one node to another

b. Union

c. Array

d. Macro
Question 1

We can traverse in either direction

a. Singular Linked List

b. Circular Linked List

c. Doubly Linked List              The doubly linked list node holds address of previous and next node address.

d. Tree Linked List
Question 2

 The application of Linked List

a. Add two characters

b. Add two large numbers               To add two large numbers we use linked list

c. Add two Strings

d. Add two very small numbers
Question 3

Each node of linked list has two parts

a. Data & Address           The linked list has two parts data and address to hold the other node

b. Data & Null

c. Address & Null

d. Address & Address
Question 4

  Linked List allocate memory space in

  a. Direct fashion

b. Contiguous fashion

c. Random fashion              The linked list allocates memory space in random order

d. Indexed fashion
 Can we delete the head node from Doubly Linked List

 a. True                  The second node will be the head node

b. False
Question 2

 Advantage of Linked List over array

  a. Linked List occupies less memory

b. Linked List can be stored in disk

c. Deletion of nodes is easy than array            The deletion of node is easy over array, array does not have direct deletion option

d. Linked List is easy to maintain
Question 1

  Number of all possible binary trees with 2 nodes is

 a. 1

b. 2                    By changing the passion we get only two possible ways

c. 3

d. 4
Question 2

  Binary tree and Binary Search Tree are same

  a. True

b. False                 Correct, the additional feature of binary search tree is order

Question 3

 Which of the following statements is TRUE? A B-Tree of order

  a. 24 contains at least 12 key in each non root node.

b. 25 contains at least 12 keys in each node

c. 24 contains at least 23 keys in each non root node     One node contains one less than the order of that tree. So it is24

d. None of the above.
Question 4

 What is the minimum number of keys contained in each non root node of a B-Tree of order 11?

  a. 4

b. 5            The value will be 5 because when the node splits from median then it contains half of the nodes in the either side of the nodes.

c. 3

d. 1
Question 1

 Binary Tree Traversal is faster in

 a. Ordinary Binary Tree

b. Binary Search Tree

c. Threaded Binary Tree                Threaded binary tree will traverse faster due to its thread to go back to parent

d. AVL Tree
Question 2

  Full Binary Tree and Complete Binary Tree are same

  a. True

b. False                  These two trees are not same. Full binary tree must have each node with two or none children but complete binary tree must have all leave nodes in same order
Question 3

  If the degree of a node if 0 then the tree is called

 a. Trinary Tree

b. Single Edged tree

c. Single node tree          Single node tree does not have any edge so it is possible

d. Single degree tree
Question 4

 To traverse from one node to another in the tree

  a. There may be many path

b. There may be only one path           Tree will be one and only one path
Question 1

 AVL tree is a special types of

  a. Binary Tree

b. Binary Search Tree          AVL Tree is a binary search tree with special property

c. Threaded Binary Tree

d. B-Tree
Question 2

  In AVL Tree, the Balance Factor is calculated as

  a. Left Height-Left Height

b. Right Height-Right Height

c. Left Height-Right Height 

d. Middle Height-Right Height
Question 3

 The minimum balance factor of a node in AVL tree is

  a. -2

b. -1                   The minimum balance factor is -1, it is correct

c. 0

d. 1
Question 4

  The Polish Notation is

 a. Prefix notation                     Prefix is the polish notation

b. Postfix notation

c. Infix notation

d. All of the above
Question 5

  Like Graph Tree can be directed or undirected

  a. True

b. False                     Correct! No direction is possible in case of Tree

Question 6

  In complete binary tree the number of nodes in level 0 is

  a. 0

b. 1                      The formula to obtain the number of nodes is 2n

c. 2

d. 3
Question 7

  In the tree which node has not child called

  a. Root node

b. Leaf node                    Leaf node does not have child

c. Parent node

d. Internal node
Question 1

 For Graph Traversal

 a. DFS & BFS                   Correct! These are the graph traversal

b. prefix

c. Infix

d. Postfix
Question 2

 Spanning Tree related to

 a. Kruskal's Algorithm                        Correct! It is the right answer

b. Piterson's Algorithm

c. Newton's Algorithm

d. Ratherford's Algorithm
Question 3

  An adjacency matrix representation of a graph cannot contain information of

 a. Nodes              Correct! information of node is not stored but edges information are stored

b. Edges

c. direction of edges

d. parallel edges
Question 4

  The strongly connected graph

  a. can connect from one node to any other node                  Correct! Can connect one to other

b. can connect from few nodes to other few nodes

c. cannot connect to other nodes

d. can connect only one node
Question 1

  To find the shortest path between two nodes which algorithm is used?

 a. Kruskal's Algorighm

b. Prim's Algorithm

c. Dijkstra's algorithm                           Correct! Your understanding is good

d. All of the above
Question 2

  For graph traversal BFS algorithm, we required




Question 3

  If no parallel edges in a 4 vertices graph , what is the maximum degree of a vertex?

 a. 4

b. 3             Every connect to other directly is the maximum degree which is 4-1 = 3

c. 2

d. 1
Question 4

  How many elements will be in the matrix , if there are 5 elements in a graph ?
 a. 5

b. 25                     Correct! It is exactly 25, the square of 5

c. 55

d. 15
 Warshall's Algorithm is used for

  a. Shortest path                  Correct, your selection

b. Sort path

c. Long path

d. Maximum path
Question 2

 DFS & BFS are same

  a. True

b. False                         Correct! The algorithm are different
Question 3

  In Kurskal's algorithm

  a. Shortest select first              Correct! Shortest select first

b. Largest select first
Question 4

  In Kruskal's Algorithm

 a. Checks Looping        Yes! It checks the looping if loop occurs it rejects the edge

b. Checks no looping
Question 5

  In prim's algorithm

 a. Checks neighbour edges             True! It checks neighbour edges with small weight

b. Checks small edges only
Question 6

  In Dijkstra's algorithm a means

 a. Connected

b. Not connected             Correct! Yes not directly connected implies that symbol
Question 7

  In Kruskal's and Prim's algorithm the shortest path value will

  a. Always Same                         Correct! Always same

b. Always different

c. Sometimes same

d. Sometimes different
Question 1

 What is the average number of comparisons in linear search

  a. (n+1)/2                 Correct! it is the correct one

b. (2n+1)/2

c. (n+1)

d. 2(n+1)
Question 2

  Linear search is not possible over sorted list

a. Yes                     Yes! It is possible over sorted and unsorted list

b. No
Question 1

  In binary search

  a. Elements may be in arrange order

b. Elements must be in arrange order 
c. Elements must not be in arrange order

d. All of the above
Question 2

 What is the maximum number of comparisons in binary search

  a. [Iog2n] + 1 

b. [log10n]+1

c. [log2n]+2

d. [log10n]+2
Question 1

  For searching a pages from your book , which method is generally used

 a. Linear Search

b. Binary Search 
Question 1

  Sorting means

  a. Order in first com first serve

b. Order in ascending or descending of values 
Question 2

 The time complexity of Bubble Sort is

 a. O

b. O(n2) 

c. O(n long n)

d. O(log n)

Question 1

  Which one is stable sort?

  a. Bubble Sort

b. Selection Sort

c. Insertion Sort                   Correct! Insertion sort is a stable sort because it does not change the relative order of elements with equal keys

d. Quick Sort
Question 2

 For Heap Sort

  a. First create heap then 
b. First sort then create heap

c. Need not to create heap

d. Just create heap and no required to sort further
Question 2

 Divide and conquer strategy follows in

 . a. Quick sort

b. Heap sort

c. Bubble sort

d. Marge sort 

Question 3

  Marge sort continues its division until n elements in the list. The value of n is:

 a. 0

b. 1  Correct you are right

c. 2

d. 3
Question 4

  In case of external sorting algorithm

  a. Need to check secondary disk access type

b. Need to check primary memory access type

c. None of the above 

d. a) and b) both should be checked
Question 6

  Internal sorting mainly done in

  a. Main Memory Correct                      ! it is done in main memory

b. Secondary Memory
                                                *the end*



Question 1

He/ She defines the database schema, Interacts continuously with users, defines integrity and security checks, defines procedures for backup and recovery.

 a. End User

b. Naive User

c. DBA

d. None
Question 2

 The way a particular application views the data from the database that the application uses is a __________

 a. Module

b. Relational Model

c. Subschema

d. Schema
Question 3

 The _______ contains the data definition of the application; the ______ evaluates the different implementations of a query and chooses the best among them.
a. Data Dictionary, Query Optimizer

b. Data Manipulation, Data Integrity

c. Data Recovery, Data Concurrency

d. Data Definition, Data Manipulation
Question 4

 The database administrator is in effect the coordinator between the ________ and the ________

 a. Application programs; database

b. Database; users

c. DBMS; database

d. Application programs; users
Question 5

Which of the following is not true about traditional approach to information processing?

. a. It is file oriented

b. It is inflexible

c. There is a common sharing of data among various applications

d. Programs are dependent on files

 A ______ key is all those set of attributes which can uniquely identify a row. However, any subset of these set of attributes would not identify a row uniquely.

 a. Foreign

b. Candidate

c. Sub

d. Primary
Question 2

 Delete/Update all the references successively or in a cascaded fashion and finally delete/update the parent record. The related concept is called ____________

 a. Deletion

b. Updation

c. Cascade Deletion

d. Cascade Insertion
Question 3

The following query is an example of _______ join. SELECT e1.employee_id, e1.manager_id, e2.employee_id FROM employees e1, employees e2 WHERE e1.manager_id(+)= e2.employee_id;

a. Equi

b. Non-Equi

c. Self

d. Outer
Question 4

 The Join operation retrieves all rows from the left-side (of the join operator) table. If there are corresponding or related rows in the right-side table, the correspondence will be shown. Otherwise, columns of the right-side table will take null values. The type of join discussed here corresponds to ____________.

a. Inner Join

b. Outer Join

c. Right Outer Join

d. Left Outer Join
Question 5

 The number of tuples in a relation is called __________ of a relation.

 a. Cardinality

b. Degree

c. Tuple

d. Key
Question 1

 The client may communicate with a _________ (a web server, transaction processing monitor, or the like), which in turn uses a protocol to proxy the communication between the client and the DBMS.

 a. File Server

b. Database Server

c. Middle-Tier Server

d. Proxy Server
Question 2

The example given below corresponds to _______ view of a database system. "A department head may only be interested in the departmental finances and student enrolments but not the library information".

 a. Conceptual

b. External

c. Internal

d. None
Question 3

The tables are called _______ because they store data about the relationships between the rows of data.

 a. Integrated

b. Self Describing

c. Metadata

d. Knowledge Discovery
Question 4

 The _________ is the knowledge derived from data.

 a. Database

b. Information

c. Table

d. Data Dictionary
Question 5

 There can be a change in database structure without changing the programs accessing them. It is achieved through the use of external views. Each program accesses data through an external view. The change to the database structure should be such that a required field should not be removed from it. All the above statements correspond to the concept of ____________

 a. Data Independence

b. Data Dependence

c. Self-Reference

d. Referential Integrity
Question 1

 Any thing that may have an independent existence and about which we intend to collect data is called _______.

a. Entity Set

b. Data

c. Entity

d. Relation
Question 2

Consider the following entities: Doctor Medicine Prescription Patient The above entities form a __________ relationship type.

 a. Binary

b. Tertiary

c. n-ary

d. None
Question 3

In this, user requirements are gathered together and a database is designed which meets these requirements as closely as possible. This step called ____ level design is independent of an individual DBMS.

a. Information

b. Data

c. Logical

d. Physical
Question 1

Account Level Choose... MODIFY privileges on R: This gives the account the capability to modify tuples of R. SELECT (retrieval or read) privilege on R: Gives the account retrieval privilege. At this level, the DBA can control the privilege to access each individual relation or view in the database. At this level, the DBA specifies the particular privileges that each account holds independently of the relations in the database.

Relation (or Table) Level Choose... MODIFY privileges on R: This gives the account the capability to modify tuples of R. SELECT (retrieval or read) privilege on R: Gives the account retrieval privilege. At this level, the DBA can control the privilege to access each individual relation or view in the database. At this level, the DBA specifies the particular privileges that each account holds independently of the relations in the database.

Select (Retrieval or Read) Choose... MODIFY privileges on R: This gives the account the capability to modify tuples of R. SELECT (retrieval or read) privilege on R: Gives the account retrieval privilege. At this level, the DBA can control the privilege to access each individual relation or view in the database. At this level, the DBA specifies the particular privileges that each account holds independently of the relations in the database.

Modify Choose... MODIFY privileges on R: This gives the account the capability to modify tuples of R. SELECT (retrieval or read) privilege on R: Gives the account retrieval privilege. At this level, the DBA can control the privilege to access each individual relation or view in the database. At this level, the DBA specifies the particular privileges that each account holds independently of the relations in the database.
Question 2

Channels that are pathways for information to flow implicitly in ways that violate the security policy of an organization are called ______ channels.

a. Covert

b. Flow

c. Data

d. Information
Question 3

 DBA-privileged commands include commands for ______ and ______ privileges to individual accounts, users, or user groups and for performing the following types of actions.

 a. giving; taking

b. accounts; users

c. users; user groups

d. granting; revoking
Question 4

If any tampering with the database is suspected, a database audit is performed, which consists of reviewing the log to examine all ______ and ______ are applied to the database during a certain time period.

 a. operations; validations

b. accesses; operations

c. permissions; relations

d. grants; revokes
Question 5

______ refers to the requirement that information be protected from improper modification.

 a. Data integrity

b. Entity Integrity

c. Relational Integrity

d. Database Integrity
Question 1

 Match the following with respect to Knowledge discovery in Data Mining:

Choose one answer. a. Association rules->These rules correlate the presence of a set of items with another range of values for another set of variables.

b. Classification hierarchies->The goal is to work from an existing set of events or transactions to create a hierarchy of classes.

c. Sequential patterns->A sequence of actions or events is sought.

d. Clustering->A given population of events or items can be partitioned (segmente

e. into sets of "similar" elements.
Question 2

 The goal of _______ is to place records into groups, such that records in a group are similar to each other and dissimilar to records in other groups. The groups are usually __________.

 a. Classification; Grouping

b. Grouping; Clustering

c. Clustering; Disjoint

d. Disjoint; Classification
Question 3

 The ___________ is an ORDBMS that combines relational and object database technologies from two previously existing products: Informix and Ilustra.

 a. Informix universal server

b. Oracle database server

c. MS-Access Database

d. MySQL database server
Question 4

______ knowledge deduces new information based on applying pre-specified logical rules of deduction on the given data. Data mining addresses ____ knowledge, which discovers new rules and patterns from the supplied data.

 a. Deductive; Inductive

b. Inductive; Responsive

c. Responsive; Inductive

d. Erroneous; Deductive
Question 5

 _________ can be applied to operational databases with individual transactions.

 a. Data Division

b. Data Multiplexing

c. Data Mining

d. Data Warehousing
Question 1

 In_________, a subset of tuples from the Cartesian product of the relations in the 'from' clause that satisfy the qualification are selected.

 a. horizontal selection

b. vertical projection

c. horizontal projection

d. vertical selection
Question 2

 Most components of an SQL statement are case insensitive, except for ____ data.

a. integer

b. character

c. literal character

d. float
Question 3

The ______ join includes rows that are unmatched in both tables and unmatched columns are filled with ____.

 a. left outer, integer values

b. Full outer, NULLs

c. right outer, zeros

d. left outer, undefined values
Question 1

 Match the following:

read committed transactions Choose... Any changes or effects that the transaction may have applied to the database must be undone. Perform distributed transactions with servers that do not support serializable transactions A transaction rereads data it has previously read and finds that another committed transaction has modified or deleted the data. A transaction re-runs a query returning a set of rows that satisfies a search condition and finds that another committed transaction has inserted additional rows that satisfy the condition.

Non-repeatable (fuzzy) reads Choose... Any changes or effects that the transaction may have applied to the database must be undone. Perform distributed transactions with servers that do not support serializable transactions A transaction rereads data it has previously read and finds that another committed transaction has modified or deleted the data. A transaction re-runs a query returning a set of rows that satisfies a search condition and finds that another committed transaction has inserted additional rows that satisfy the condition.

Phantom reads Choose... Any changes or effects that the transaction may have applied to the database must be undone. Perform distributed transactions with servers that do not support serializable transactions A transaction rereads data it has previously read and finds that another committed transaction has modified or deleted the data. A transaction re-runs a query returning a set of rows that satisfies a search condition and finds that another committed transaction has inserted additional rows that satisfy the condition.

Rollback Choose... Any changes or effects that the transaction may have applied to the database must be undone. Perform distributed transactions with servers that do not support serializable transactions A transaction rereads data it has previously read and finds that another committed transaction has modified or deleted the data. A transaction re-runs a query returning a set of rows that satisfies a search condition and finds that another committed transaction has inserted additional rows that satisfy the condition.
Question 2

The basic unit of data transfer from disk to main memory is ________.

a. two blocks

b. two bytes

c. one Kilobyte

d. one block
The ____ Database automatically detects deadlock situations and resolves them by ____ back one of the statements involved in the deadlock, thereby releasing one set of the conflicting row locks.

 a. MySQL; committing

b. Oracle; rolling

c. SQL Server; rolling

d. MS- Access; updating

Question 4

 The _____ property of a transaction guarantees to application writers that two concurrent transactions will not see each other's in-flight (not yet-committed) updates.
a. Atomicity

b. Consistency

c. Isolation

d. Durability
Question 5

 _____ prevents visibility of transient database states, and ____ ensures correctness of data that is visible.

 a. lagging; maintenance

b. locking; logging

c. logging; locking

d. lagging; locking

OOPs & C++

                                           C++  BOOK(B)

Question 1

 Match the following

Static binding Choose... run time Derivation abstract class compile time

Dynamic binding Choose... run time Derivation abstract class compile time

virtual member function Choose... run time Derivation abstract class compile time

Inheritance Choose... run time Derivation abstract class compile time
Question 2

 ---------------- allows you to create a derived class that inherits properties from more than one base class.

. a. Multilevel inheritance

b. Multiple inheritance

c. Hybrid Inheritance

d. Hierarchical Inheritance

Question 3

 ---------------- is a mechanism of reusing and extending existing classes without modifying them, thus producing hierarchical relationships between them.

 a. Inheritance

b. Static Binding

c. Dynamic Binding

d. Virtual class

Question 4

----------------- is the ability of objects belonging to different types to respond to method calls of methods of the same name, each one according to an appropriate type-specific behavior.

 a. Inheritance

b. Virtuality

c. polymorphism

d. None of these.

Question 5

 If a function is declared virtual in its base class, you can still access it directly using the ----------------------

 a. Virtual Keyword

b. scope resolution Operator

c. Indirection Operator

d. Address Operator

Question 1

Match the following

this pointer Choose... not modifiable virtual tightly coupled not transitive

non static member function Choose... not modifiable virtual tightly coupled not transitive

friend function Choose... not modifiable virtual tightly coupled not transitive

Friend class Choose... not modifiable virtual tightly coupled not transitive
Question 2

 ---------- pointers are not modifiable.

a. that

b. this

c. Indirection

d. Address
Question 3

---------------- classes are used in cases where one class is tightly coupled to another class

 a. Abstract

b. friend

c. static

d. virtual
Question 4

 A static member function cannot be declared with the keywords ----------------

a. virtual

b. const

c. volatile

d. all of these
Question 5

 The --------- and ------------------- keywords do not apply to friend functions, as the class has no control over the scope of friends.

 a. public, protected

b. Private, public

c. protected , private

d. private , protected
Question 1

 match the following

godbit Choose... End of file has been reached Fatal I/O error no errors non-fatal I/O error

eofbit Choose... End of file has been reached Fatal I/O error no errors non-fatal I/O error

failbit Choose... End of file has been reached Fatal I/O error no errors non-fatal I/O error

badbit Choose... End of file has been reached Fatal I/O error no errors non-fatal I/O error
Question 2

 The current reading position, which is the index of the next byte that will be read from the file is called _______________________.

 a. set pointer

b. curr pointer

c. put pointer

d. get pointer
Question 3
 The function_______________ will return the last read character and will move the inside pointer, one with -1 char.

 a. putback()

b. flush()

c. peek()

d. getline()
Question 4

 which of these file open mode do you use to write into the file.

 a. ios::ate

b. ios::in

c. ios::out

d. ios::app
Question 5

 __________________ is an identifier that can be inserted into an output stream or extracted from an input stream in order to produce a desired effect.

a. Stream

b. Manipulator

c. this

d. Flag

Question 1

 A class generated from a class template is called _____________________

a. Inherited class

b. generated class.

c. derived class

d. base class
Question 2

A static data member generated from a static data member template is called ______________________ static data member

 a. inherited

b. base

c. generated

d. derived
Question 3

To perform identical operations for each type of data compactly and conveniently, we use ___________________

 a. Inline function

b. function templates.

c. this pointer

d. friend function
Question 4

 When the compiler generates a class, function or static data members from a template, it is referred to as __________________

 a. template instantiation.

b. template specialization

c. partial specialization

d. function specialization
Question 5

________________________ are very useful when implementing generic constructs like vectors, stacks, lists, queues which can be used with any arbitrary type.

a. Templates

b. constructor

c. destructor

d. status Flag
Question 1

 What are the two basic models in the exception handling theory.

 a. caught and uncaught

b. termination and resumption

c. try and block

d. none of these
Question 2

which of these is/are the exception classes derived from logic_error i) domain_error ii) out_of_range iii) bad_cast iv) bad_alloc

 a. i),ii),iii) only

b. iv) only

c. i) and iv) only

d. iii) only

Question 3

Which of these is/are true about exception specification i) the exception specification is like function specification ii) it tells the use to write exception handling code and what exception to handle. iii) It tells the compiler the exception that may come out of this function.

 a. i) only

b. i) and ii) only

c. i),ii) and iii)

d. i) and iii) only
Question 4

______________ is the exception class derived from runtime_error.

 a. range_error

b. lengh_error

c. bad_typeid

d. met_error
Question 1

Match the following

Stack Choose... FIFO LIFO associative container sequence container

Queue Choose... FIFO LIFO associative container sequence container

Vector Choose... FIFO LIFO associative container sequence container

multimap Choose... FIFO LIFO associative container sequence container
Question 2

 Stack is an example for ___________________ structure.




Question 3

The standard sequence containers include __________________ i) vector ii) deque iii)list iv) stack

a. i) and ii) only

b. i),ii) and iii)

c. iii) and iv) only

d. i),ii),iii) and iv)

Question 4

Which of this is standard associative containers ?

 a. vector

b. set

c. deque

d. list
                                                 1 MARKS QUIZ            ==============================================================
Question 1

 Which of these file open mode you use to delete all previous content in the file.

 a. ios:: ate

b. ios::in

c. ios:: app

d. ios::trunc
Question 2

Create the required classes by plugging in the actual type for the type parameters, this process is commonly known as _________________

a. Instantiating a class.

b. encapsulation of class

c. booting of class

d. none of these
Question 3

 __________________ is an abstraction that represents a device on which input and output operations are performed.

 a. Flag

b. Template

c. Stream

d. page
Question 4

 Which of these manipulator is used to insert null character in a string.

 a. endl

b. ends

c. unitbuf

d. setfill
Question 5

____________________ is very useful when templates of template come into usage.

. a. friend function

b. static function

c. typedef

d. inheritance
Question 6

 Each catch clause (exception handler) is like a little function that takes a ___________________ argument/s of one particular type.

 a. many

b. two

c. single

d. either A)or B)
Question 7

 Using the keyword_______________a class can grant access to non member functions or to another class.

 a. this

b. auto

c. static

d. friend

Question 8

 In UML classes are divided into ___________________ sections

 a. four

b. two

c. five

d. three
Question 9

_______________ are bound dynamically at run time.

 a. static class

b. virtual function

c. friend function

d. inline function
Question 10

 ___________________ is a base class that appears directly as a base specifier in the declaration of its derived class.

 a. direct base class

b. static base class

c. indirect base class

d. none of these.
Question 11

 The virtual keyword can be used to declare____________________

a. virtual friend function

b. virtual inline function

c. virtual base class

d. all of these
Question 12

 ________________ can be accessed without instantiation of the class in C++.

 a. Static data types

b. keywords

c. variables

d. friend functions
Question 13

 Use case diagrams are helpful in which of these areas.

 a. determining failure

b. communicating with clients

c. generating test cases

d. all of these
Question 14

 A class generated from a class template is called ____________________

 a. Inherited class

b. generated class.

c. derived class

d. base class
Question 15

STL stands for _________________

 a. standard template library

b. standard template link

c. stack template link

d. single temporary list

Question 16

 ________________ is a mechanism of reusing and extending existing classes without modifying them, thus producing hierarchical relationships between them.

 a. Inheritance

b. Static Binding

c. Dynamic Binding

d. Virtual class

Question 17

The function__________________ will return the last read character and will move the inside pointer, one with -1 char.

 a. putback()

b. flush()

c. peek()

d. getline()

Question 18

 Iterators which can move freely any number of steps in one operation are called ____________

 a. input iterators

b. forward iterators

c. random access iterators

d. output iterators
Question 19

Which of these is/are the exception classes derived from logic_error i) domain_error ii) out_of_range iii) bad_cast iv) bad_alloc

 a. i),ii),iii) only

b. iv) only

c. i) and iv) only

d. iii) only
Question 20

When the compiler generates a class, function or static data members from a template, it is referred to as ___________________

 a. template instantiation.

b. template specialization

c. partial specialization

d. function specialization

Question 21

 ____________ allows you to create a derived class that inherits properties from more than one base class.

a. Multilevel inheritance

b. Multiple inheritance

c. Hybrid Inheritance

d. Hierarchical Inheritance
Question 22

 ___________________ is an identifier that can be inserted into an output stream or extracted from an input stream in order to produce a desired effect.

 a. Stream

b. Manipulator

c. this

d. Flag
Question 23

 There are ________________ types of sequence containers in the STL.

 a. two

b. four

c. eight

d. three
Question 24

__________________ pointers are not modifiable.

 a. that

b. this

c. Indirection

d. Address
Question 25
The special function __________________ is called when you throw something other than what appears in the exception specification.

a. unexpected()

b. terminate()

c. set_terminate()

d. expected()
Question 26

Which of these link is used to avoid repetition of scenarios in multiple use cases.

 a. Include

b. Generalization

c. Extends

d. None of these
Question 27

Stack is an example for ____________________ structure.

 a. LIFO



Question 28

 _________________ diagram shows the change of an object through time.

a. Activity

b. State

c. Collaboration

d. Use case
Question 29

 Identify the modulators from the following list. i. endl ii. hex iii. auto iv. Default

 a. i only

b. ii only

c. both i and ii

d. all of these
Question 30

A class that declares or inherits a virtual function is called ___________________

 a. Encapsulation class

b. inherited class

c. polymorphic class

d. static class
Question 31

 What are the two basic models in the exception handling theory.

. a. caught and uncaught

b. termination and resumption

c. try and block

d. none of these

Question 32

_______________ classes are used in cases where one class is tightly coupled to another class

a. Abstract

b. friend

c. static

d. virtual
Question 33

 The exception specification is like a____________________, It tells the user to write exception handling code and what exceptions to handle.

 a. library file

b. function prototype

c. header file

d. built-in function
Question 34

 The standard sequence containers include _______________________ i) vector ii) deque iii)list iv) stack

 a. i) and ii) only

b. i),ii) and iii)

c. iii) and iv) only

d. i),ii),iii) and iv)
Question 35

 Which of these c++ feature allow you to create classes that are dynamic in terms of the types of data they can handle.

 a. Inheritance

b. Templates

c. Polymorphism

d. information hiding
Question 36

 To destroy element at the end of vector which of these vector access function is used.

 a. pop_back()

b. push_back()

c. insert()

d. destroy()
Question 37

 Which of these exception reports a failure to allocate storage.

 a. bad_cast

b. bad_typeid

c. length_error

d. none of these
Question 38

 Models in UML consist of _______________ that interact by sending each other, messages.

a. Actor

b. objects

c. use case

d. none of these
Question 39

 ______________ do not break encapsulation, but rather enhance a class interface.

 a. Static functions

b. Friend functions

c. Dynamic functions

d. none of these
Question 40

The ___________________ keyword/s do not apply to friend functions, as the class has no control over the scope of friends.

a. public

b. protected

c. private

d. both A)and B)
                                        2 MARKS QUIZ
Question 1

Which of these function returns the ASCII code of the char, but not the char itself

 a. peek()

b. asc()

c. tellg()

d. seekp()
Question 2

 _________________ is the exception class derived from runtime_error.

 a. range_error

b. lengh_error

c. bad_typeid

d. met_error
Question 3

 The operator [] allows you to access a single character in a string, but without any bounds checking , if you want bounds checking which of these function do you use .

 a. at()

b. ioc()

c. st()

d. ooc()
Question 4

 The current reading position, which is the index of the next byte that will be read from the file is called _______________________

 a. set pointer

b. curr pointer

c. put pointer

d. get pointer
Question 5

 When you wish to show the sequence of events on a broader scale , use _______________________

 a. activity diagram

b. state diagram

c. both A) and B)

d. either A)or B)
Question 6

State true or false i. C++ provides syntax to allow you to politely tell the user what exceptions this function throws, so the user may handle them. ii. To use set_unexpected(), you must include the header file .
 a. true , false

b. false, false

c. true, true

d. false, true

Question 7

 A static member function cannot be declared with the keywords ________________________

a. virtual

b. const

c. volatile

d. all of these

Question 8

 If a function is declared virtual in its base class, you can still access it directly using the ______________________________

 a. Virtual Keyword

b. scope resolution Operator

c. Indirection Operator

d. Address Operator
Question 9

__________________ is the ability of objects belonging to different types to respond to method calls of methods of the same name, each one according to an appropriate type-specific behavior.

a. Inheritance

b. Virtuality

c. polymorphism

d. None of these.
Question 10

 A static data member generated from a static data member template is called ______________________ static data member

 a. inherited

b. base

c. generated

d. derived
Question 11

 From the following list identify iterator adaptors ?

a. reverse iterator

b. insert iterator

c. raw storage iterator

d. all of these

Question 12

 State true or false i. You can partially specialize class templates for certain types. ii. You cannot overload function templates.

a. true, false

b. false, true

c. true, true

d. false, false
Question 13

 State true or false 1. Polymorphic functions are functions that cannot be applied to objects of more than one type. 2. Overloaded functions are statically bound at run time.

a. false, true

b. false, false

c. true , true

d. true, false
Question 14

The ______________________ and ______________________ keywords do not apply to friend functions, as the class has no control over the scope of friends.

a. public, protected

b. Private, public

c. protected , private

d. private , protected
Question 15

 State true or false 1. Inheritance is implemented in C++ through the mechanism of derivation. 2. Multiple inheritance allows you to create a derived class that inherits properties from more than one base class.

 a. true, true

b. true, false

c. false , true

d. false , false
Question 16

Which of these file open mode do you use to write into the file.

 a. ios ::ate

b. ios::in

c. ios::out

d. ios::app

Question 17

 To perform identical operations for each type of data compactly and conveniently, we use _____________________

a. Inline function

b. function templates.

c. this pointer

d. friend function
Question 18
Sate true or false i) Attributes that are static only exist once for all instances of the class. ii) If an attribute is declared final, its value can be changed.

a. true ,false

b. true , true

c. false , false

d. false, true
Question 19

 Which of this is standard associative containers ?

 a. vector

b. set

c. deque

d. list
Question 20

 Exceptions should not be used for_______________________

 a. asynchronous events

b. ordinary error condition

c. flow of control

d. all of the above
                                                     4 Marks Question
Question 2

 match the following

godbit Choose... non-fatal I/O error no errors End of file has been reached Fatal I/O error

eofbit Choose... non-fatal I/O error no errors End of file has been reached Fatal I/O error

failbit Choose... non-fatal I/O error no errors End of file has been reached Fatal I/O error

badbit Choose... non-fatal I/O error no errors End of file has been reached Fatal I/O error
Question 3

state true or false a. The class diagrams describes the types of objects in the system and the static relationship between them. b. If the attribute is declared final its value can be changed. c. The composition association is represented by the hollow diamond.

 a. true ,true, false

b. true, false, false

c. false, false, false

d. false , true, true
 Match the following

Stack Choose... LIFO associative container FIFO sequence container

Queue Choose... LIFO associative container FIFO sequence container

Vector Choose... LIFO associative container FIFO sequence container

multimap Choose... LIFO associative container FIFO sequence container
Question 5

 State true or false 1. A static member function cannot be declared with the keywords virtual, const, volatile, or const volatile. 2. A static member function can have access to the 'this' pointer of the class. 3. Friend classes are used in cases where one class is tightly coupled to another class. 4. Static data types can be accessed without instantiation of the class in C++.

a. true, true, false, false

b. true, true, true, false

c. true, false, true, true

d. false, true, true, true
Question 6

Match the following

Static binding Choose... compile time run time Derivation abstract class

Dynamic binding Choose... compile time run time Derivation abstract class

virtual member function Choose... compile time run time Derivation abstract class

Inheritance Choose... compile time run time Derivation abstract class
Question 7

 State true or false i. range_error is the exception class derived from logic_error Exception. ii. bad_cast is the exception class derived from logic_error Exception. iii. bad_alloc is the exception class derived from runtime_error Exception.

 a. true, false, true

b. false, true, true

c. true, true, false

d. true, true, true
Question 8

 Match the following

Link Choose... roles Include scenarios stereotypes

Actor Choose... roles Include scenarios stereotypes

extensibility mechanism Choose... roles Include scenarios stereotypes

use case Choose... roles Include scenarios stereotypes

Question 9

 State true or false i. STL algorithms are dependent of containers, which significantly reduces the complexity of the library. ii. Associative containers are not used to store objects that we want to be able to retrieve using a key. iii. Iterators are a generalized abstraction of pointers, designed to allow programmers to access different container types in a consistent way.

 a. false, false , true

b. true, false, false

c. true, true, false

d. true, true, true
Question 10

 Match the following

this pointer Choose... virtual tightly coupled not modifiable not transitive

non static member function Choose... virtual tightly coupled not modifiable not transitive

friend function Choose... virtual tightly coupled not modifiable not transitive

Friend class Choose... virtual tightly coupled not modifiable not transitive
Question 12

State true or false 1. A base class containing one or more pure virtual member function is called an abstract class. 2. Friend function can be declared anywhere within the class declaration. 3. The public and protected keywords do not apply to friend functions.

 a. true, true , true

b. false, true, false

c. true, false , false

d. false, false, false
Question 13

 Which of these is/are true about exception specification i) the exception specification is like function specification ii) it tells the use to write exception handling code and what exception to handle. iii)It tells the compiler the exception that may come out of this function.

 a. i) only

b. i) and ii) only

c. i),ii) and iii)

d. i) and iii) only

Question 14

 ___________________ are very useful when implementing generic constructs like vectors, stacks, lists, queues which can be used with any arbitrary type.

 a. Templates

b. constructor

c. destructor

d. status Flag
Question 15

 State true or false i. When you are reading a file, if you want to ignore certain amount of characters use flush() function . ii. Manipulators are global functions designed to be used in conjunction with insertion (<<) and extraction (>>) operators. iii. The essential characteristic of stream processing is that data elements must be sent to or received from a stream one at a time, i.e. in serial fashion. iv. The Input/Output system in C++ holds information about the result of every I/O operation.

Choose one answer. a. true, true, true, true

b. false, true, true, false

c. false, true, true, true

d. false, true, false, true

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