In computer system ,there are lot of programming language avi
alable there.for example c,c++,pascal,cobol,etc. there are lot of language are their. basically these are divided into some catagories such as:machine,assembly and high level language.
MACHINE LANGUAGE: Machine language are language which are written in the form of 0 and 1. it is also known as binary language. this is the language which is not understand by user directly,it should be converted first into high level language to user understandable with the help of compiler. it is written in form of 0 or 1 that meanse power supply off or on respectivley.
ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE: Assembly language is written in the form of 0 or 1 as well as mnemonics code.i.e. ADD,MUL,SUB,DIV etc.
HIGH LEVLE LANGUAGE: High levle language are those language which are human understandable. Human being can directly understand this language. Now a days ,some popular high levle language are c,c++,cobol,basic,java,fortran etc.

MACHINE LANGUAGE: Machine language are language which are written in the form of 0 and 1. it is also known as binary language. this is the language which is not understand by user directly,it should be converted first into high level language to user understandable with the help of compiler. it is written in form of 0 or 1 that meanse power supply off or on respectivley.
ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE: Assembly language is written in the form of 0 or 1 as well as mnemonics code.i.e. ADD,MUL,SUB,DIV etc.
HIGH LEVLE LANGUAGE: High levle language are those language which are human understandable. Human being can directly understand this language. Now a days ,some popular high levle language are c,c++,cobol,basic,java,fortran etc.